Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Well June and the Summer of 2009 is heating Up!

The buyers are looking, I know I had a few out today inspecting property. With few properties properly priced and a bunch of qualified buyers, we should she price action which will level off in Q3 and a surge may occur in Q4 if rates remain unchanged and there is at least somewhat of an effort to relax these suffocating credit standards for real buyers. Yes, these buyers may not be GM, did I say GM, oops I meant GE, did I say GE oops I meant Exxon, but buyers out looking, that have capital and there are tenants tired of paying , "the man" the dreaded RENT. Being cautious is rewarding the astute buyer who sits and waits and waits and waits but at some point, your lease comes up for renewal and up its either rent payments or debt payments.

Shaping up as a busy summer as everyone is TIRED of the same tired cocktail party rhetoric and complaints of a @##$ frozen market.
Prologis , AMB , Mack Cali, First Industrial, keep up the good work, these guys KNOW dealmaking!!! Also, the private equity guys are holding their own.

Enough said, there's work to do, ...

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